The Three R's

Recycling Bottles And Cans

Recycling is very important as we all know and there are two ways that we can recycle and they both are pretty similar. One way is just putting your cans and bottles in the recycling bin and putting it on the curb to have it be picked up by the truck. That is one good way, but there is another way to recycle and it earns you dome money too. By just taking the bottles and cans that you bought from particular store back to that store you can put it in the place that they have you put it in (depending on the store you go to) and you will get a discount of 10 cents! I know that it sounds like not very much, but if you deposited 10 cans you would get $1.00 off of your purchase. Now just something that you have to keep in mind, not all stores have something like this but you should be able to find a store in your area that does do something like this. Another thing is that you have to bring the cans that you bought from that store and not a different store back to that same store or else they won't accept it. Well, now that you have read this article I hope that you are inspired to recycle more and save more, especially because of this bad economy you always should be looking for a time to save money and of course the environment.


Reducing is very important... just as important as recycling and reusing! Reducing is very simple too! You could reduce the amount of air pollution on our planet by walking or biking instead of using gas powered objects. Reducing is wondering...Do I really need to keep this light on when I'm not in the room? Do I really need to get a ride to school when I live in walking distance? Think about how you could reduce in your daily life. Some things that you could do to reduce are using fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescent, when you go camping, use wood from already dead trees instead of buying firewood, take shorter showers, and much more!


It is just as important to reuse as it is to recycle and reduce. Reusing is as simple as using a grocery bag twice. Your everyday actions could be stretched a little farther just to help the planet. We only have so many materials on our planet, so why not reuse them so that we can make them last longer? Spread the word about this little action, everything makes a difference. You can reduce by: using your older sibling's things, reuse grocery bags, writing on the back side of paper, give things that you no longer need to the Salvation Army so they can be reused, Use metal water bottles instead of plastic, Eat cold lunch at school more often, so that the trays are not wasted. I hope these tips help you be more green!

The Three R's working together

People always say to recycle, well recycling isn't the only thing that helps the planet. The tree R's work together. Without reusing and reducing, there would be no recycling. Such as when you recycle something, you are also reusing it, and you are reducing the amount of trash in landfills. If you voted on our poll for the first week of March 2010, you should know that that was a trick question. The poll was "which of the three R's do you think helps the planet the most?" Well lots of people voted for "They help equally" Well second place was "Recycle". We were hoping that the thing voted for would be "Equal" because the R's work together.