Everyone knows that it's not good to litter, right? Well you probably don't know how bad it is for the planet. Reaserch shows that food waste takes up 33% of Earth's waste, and paper takes up 29%, and aluminum takes up 28%. And did you know that it takes 1 million years for one styrofoam container to decompose!!! And that's the same with a plastic jug- 1 million years! That means that it will sit there and sit there for 1 million years until it finally decomposes! For more information on not littering, scroll down the page and check out our 'litter facts' link. I hope you think about this next time you are going to throw some of your used trash on the ground!
Litter Control
If you want to stop the act of littering, I'll tell you three easy ways how. Stopping the act of litter can be as easy as picking up a wrapper off the ground. Spread the word! When you see someone littering, tell them "hey, that's bad for the planet, not cool." Maybe once every month you could go to a park close by and set a goal to pick up 10 pieces of litter. Every little bit helps!