Gulf Oil Spill:You may have heard about the oil spill disaster in the gulf. The British Petroleum oil company (BP) caused a huge oil spill in the gulf. BP was drilling oil in the ocean, when the disaster happened. Their equipment wasn't working right, their was a huge explosion and oil started to leak out. The oil has been spilling out ever since. They have not been able to stop the oil from coming out, and it is destroying the ocean.To help this terrible cause you can write a letter to BP asking them to please stop the oil leak. This is a huge problem affecting our economy and very importantly our environment.
The animals that live near the Gulf have been affected by the gulf and are being affected right now. They are getting covered in oil and volunteers are having to wash the animals free of oil. Animals are getting stuck in the oil. Sea animals such as the bluefin tuna are already close to extinction. Heres a list of just some of the animals that are being affected.
*Bluefin Tuna
*Brown Pelican
*Bottle nose Dolphins
*Sperm Whales
*Marine Turtles (Sea Turtles)
*Migrating and nesting birds
*Blue Crabs